clean coal defined as a carbonmoron |
SapperK9 - 9/18/2008 19:45 |
Accepting that the word oxymoron, in spite of its Greek root, suggests oxygen and thus a life giving and sustaining element, perhaps now this obscene contradiction of "Clean Carbon" is becoming so prevalent, we might have the opportunity to create a new incongruity for this process:
carbonmoron; which would describe a mooted process that is so contradictory that its proposal and common use is multi factorial to a degree above the simple contradiction of an oxymoron. ie. In the case of "Clean Coal" it is; impractical, habitat destroying, and an anti-scientific noun - and also descriptive of the cognitive dissonance of those that propose and attempt to propagate what, elementally and logically, is not.
Thus also the "Emperor's new clothes" would be carbonmoronic, and similarly the Australian PM, and to be fair, many in the body politic of the world, and the industry they support are carbonmorons.